How to Stop Protein Farts: Easy Tips & Tricks

Modified June 20th, 2023
Flatulence or farting is your body’s natural mechanism to expel gas from your intestine. You can get these intestinal gases through the foods you eat or the air that you swallow while eating.
You might not know it, but there are a lot of foods that can cause flatulence. These foods that can cause protein farts can be annoying. Especially when you’re out in public, and you can’t help but release these gases inside your body.
Here are some ways on how you can stop and avoid the embarrassment of having protein farts. But before we proceed to that, let’s first tackle the causes of these awful protein farts.
What Causes Protein Farts?
From the name itself, protein farts result from eating protein-rich foods. Examples of these are eggs, meat, fish, and many more. Even a plant-based diet like beans and legumes can cause protein farts.
So why do high-protein foods cause flatulence?
This is because, unlike carbohydrates, proteins are harder to digest. Thus, it stays longer in your digestive tract.
The longer the food stays in your intestines, the more the bacteria in your gut can ferment. This leads to a build-up of nitrogen or gases that causes flatulence.
Are High-Protein Foods Bad for You?
Just because high-protein foods ferment bacteria doesn’t mean it’s bad for your health. Remember, your body already has natural bacteria. It just needs to be balanced. We will talk more about it later, so keep reading!
High-protein foods are actually beneficial. It can help you, especially if you’re a bodybuilder or just trying to lose some weight. Protein can reduce your belly fats and helps you build strong muscles.
Flatulence or farting is just a drawback of eating foods that are rich in protein.
Ways To Stop Protein Farts
Protein farts can be a great nuisance. But that doesn’t mean you should stop eating foods that can cause it. Protein is essential to your diet, and as mentioned, it can help you have strong muscles and a good physique.
Here’s what you can do to avoid protein farts without having to remove protein from your diet.

Manage Your Protein Intake
As mentioned, eating high-protein foods results in protein farts. Therefore, you need to cut down your protein intake.
The recommended protein intake is 0.8 grams per kilogram body weight. Anything more than that can cause protein farts.
To know how much protein you should take, multiply your weight in pounds by 0.36. Having a balanced protein in your diet can help you avoid protein farts.
Add Fiber to Your Diet
If you have decided to eat more protein and fewer carbs to lose weight, then you can achieve your body goal.
However, most of the foods rich in carbohydrates like oats, legumes, and grains are also high in fiber. Meaning, you’re not just cutting down the carbs from your diet but the fiber as well.
Low intake of fiber can lead to constipation, and it often results in the build-up of gut gas.
Drop those Carbonated Drinks!
If you’re a fan of sodas, champagne, or even sparkling water, you need to drop it, ASAP!
Carbonated drinks can make you bloat and increase the gas inside your gut.
Moreover, there are a lot of health risks associated with drinking carbonated drinks. For instance, sodas have lots of artificial sweeteners that can ruin your diet. What’s worse is that it can cause diabetes too.
Say Goodbye to Chewing Gums
As mentioned earlier, you can get gut gas through the foods that you eat and the air you swallow while eating. The same thing happens when you chew gum. If you notice, you take in a lot of air while chewing the gum. This, in turn, increases your gut gas.
Take Probiotics
If you’re trying to lose weight or build some muscles, then you would most probably need a lot of protein in your diet. But as mentioned, this would lead to a build-up of nitrogen which then results in protein farts.
So if you can’t cut down your protein intake, what you can do to is to take probiotics. Probiotics can prevent the fermentation of bacteria in your gut.
Studies show that probiotics can help in balancing the bacteria inside your intestine. Yes, your body needs “good bacteria” to have a stronger immune system and probiotics can help you with that.
The health benefits of probiotics are wide and varied. It not only makes you healthy but helps you stop having protein farts too. You can get it from probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and sauerkraut or from probiotic supplements. (Related: The Best Yogurt Brands for a Keto Diet)
Quit Smoking
If you’re a smoker, you may notice that you feel bloated after hitting up that one cigar. The more you smoke, the larger the volume of air and carbon dioxide that goes inside your body.
If you want to stop having protein farts, then it’s time to quit smoking. Besides, not only can it cause protein farts, it’s harmful to your overall health too.
Protein farts can be really pesky. Especially that awful smell that can humiliate you in front of everybody. Following these effective ways can help you stop those protein farts and save you from the shame that it can cause.
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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer based in the Philippines. Her commitment to communicating factual content in when writing is unmatched. She works hard to cross check reputable sources to ensure her work uses accurate facts.