Are There Probiotics for Dental Issues And Bad Breath?

Published March 11, 2021
It’s not typically the best trait, but we all have to admit that at some point, we’ve had bad breath. No matter how well you brush your teeth, how expensive your toothpaste/mouthwash is, or how thorough you floss, you can never really maintain good-smelling breath forever. For Halitosis, also known as chronic bad breath, the breath’s fouls smell is not something mouthwash or high-end toothpaste can fix. Dental probiotics, however, offer a possible treatment for such conditions.
Dental Probiotics
Probiotics are live bacteria that maintain your body’s well-being by eliminating the bad bacteria in your body. They are what we call ‘good’ bacteria as it benefits your health in several ways. These ‘goog’ bacteria are usually found in fermented foods such as yogurt and sauerkraut. Also, probiotics influence good bacteria to grow and spread in your body. Our mouths contain both good and bad bacteria, which is a possible factor that leads to bad breath.
The foul smell of breath due to Halitosis comes from bacteria located on the tongue and underneath the gums as they produce volatile sulfur compounds (VSC). The VSC is what gives off a smell similar to rotten eggs or cabbage. Mouth-freshening methods like mints, mouthwash, and flossing can provide fresh breath for a short period of time before bacteria start to form again.
Studies from the University of Connecticut have proven that the most effective way to eliminate bad breath is to let good bacteria invade the mouth to fight off any bad bacteria. The use of Streptococcus salivarius strain K12 in the study was revealed to reduce the growth of bacteria in the mouth that causes halitosis. After a week of using K12 probiotic lozenges, the test subjects’ VSC percentage was relatively lower by 85%. In addition, the K12 probiotic capsules reduced symptoms of gingivitis, pharyngitis, oral candidiasis, and dental decay.

Immediate Care
If you wish to address the foul smell in your breath from eating fish, onions, etc., you can opt for using mouthwash, brushing your teeth thoroughly, or chewing mint-flavored gum. On the other hand, probiotics are suitable for more severe and long-lasting bad breath cases, such as halitosis. These probiotics can be taken through consuming chewable tablets or probiotic drinks, lozenges, and brushing your teeth with specific toothpaste made with oral probiotics.
Halitosis can be easy to treat, so do not feel too bad for having long-term bad breath. Simple probiotics and good oral hygiene can prevent your breath from getting worse. If your dental situation continues to be a concern after trying different treatments, make sure to consult with a dentist or an expert on dental health care. The chances are that your case is much more severe than chronic bad breath. These cases include periodontal diseases, sinus issues, or gastrointestinal disease.
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Bionaze is a proprietary blend of probiotics proven to promote ear, nose, and throat health, improve digestion, and support your immune system. The active ingredients BLIS K12, and BL-04 are considered among the best probiotics according to science.
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About The Author
Krizzia Paolyn has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. She started her career as a content writer for various digital magazines and renowned publications. It has always been her passion to share her voice, and at the same time, to encourage other people to speak up.