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How To Use Pressure Points For Sinus Problems
Published March 11, 2021 Blocked sinuses can get irritating. It prevents us from having a good night’s sleep, causes us to lose our focus when studying, and is just an overall bother. Nobody likes having such a distraction that stops them from doing even the littlest things. How do you […]
Here’s How To Actually Stop Sinus Drainage
Published January 28, 2021 It’s funny how we take clear sinuses for granted until we experience the bothersome discomfort of sinus infections. The linings of our sinuses and noses produce mucus that traps particles, preventing infection from happening. Additionally, our sinuses play a crucial role in draining that mucus into […]
Can Root Canals Cause Sinus Infection? Here’s The Answer
Published Jan 18, 2021 After undergoing root canals, some patients complain about exhibiting sinusitis-like symptoms. These symptoms can include a runny nose, sinus pressure, and postnasal drip. This is interesting because, as we know, our sinuses and mouth are connected, so could one be affecting the other? This article will […]
How to Treat a Sinus Infection That Won’t Go Away
Published January 18, 2021 Once in a while, we go down with an illness for some time before eventually getting better not long after. You can thank our immune system for that. However, other conditions may stick around more than we’d like. Not only can this be incredibly annoying, but […]
Which Probiotics Are The Best for Sinuses?
Probiotics have been growing in popularity for their apparent health benefits. With seemingly unending benefits, which probiotics then work for sinuses?
The Difference Between Cool and Warm Mist Humidifiers
Humidifiers can help you this winter against dry air. Find out which is best for you here; learn the differences between cool and warm mist humidifiers.
10 Sure-Fire Ways To Humidify a Room without a Humidifier
Winter is coming, and with it, a worthy opponent: dry air. Fight off the dry air by learning how to humidify a room without a humidifier in this article.
How Much Yogurt is Too Much? It Depends
Published November 9, 2020 They say that anything done in excess is bad for you. Apparently, this applies to yogurt too – a food many people consider to be the holy grail of probiotic foods. So how much yogurt is too much? There really is no standard limit when it […]
How to Get Rid of Sinus Headache This Winter
Our sinuses are more connected to the seasons than we believe. Here, we discuss winter’s effects on sinuses and getting rid of a sinus headache in winter.
Do Himalayan Salt Inhalers Really Work?
Also known as salt pipes, Himalayan salt inhalers are designed for the user to take in mineral-rich microscopic salt particles directly into their lungs.
Looking to Detoxify? Here’s Why You Should Include Probiotics In Your Regimen
Detoxification means removing impurities from our bodies, but do probiotics detox the body? Find out how probiotics can be helpful in your detoxification.
10 Dairy-Free Probiotic Foods You Should Be Eating Everyday
Lactose intolerance can be quite an inconvenience, but it shouldn’t stop you from taking probiotics. Here are awesome dairy-free foods rich in probiotics.
Digestive Enzymes Vs. Probiotics: Which Do You Need More?
Both digestive enzymes and probiotics help improve digestion. But how do they differ? Here’s a quick comparison of digestive enzymes vs. probiotics.
Can Sinus Infection Mess With Your Eyes?
Our body parts are more connected than we realize. If you’re feeling eye pain, it could be from a sinus infection. Here’s how our sinuses mess with eyes.
10 Foods That Boost Serotonin and Improve Your Mood
Published August 18th, 2020 Health, as defined by the WHO, is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Simply put, it’s an all-encompassing term that refers to the holistic well-being of a person. With the help of research, mental […]
The Best Ways to Replenish Good Bacteria After Antibiotics
Published July 31st, 2020 Prevention is always better than cure. That’s an age-old saying when it comes to our health. However, sometimes life blindsides us, and we fall to sickness. When that happens, we’re often left with the undesirable task of taking medicine just to get better. Some of these […]
Why You Need To Eat More Cottage Cheese
Published July 17th, 2020 Cottage cheese is not like most cheeses that you know, like American cheese. It’s not aged, it’s a little wet, resembling yogurt more than cheese. But it’s become quite popular lately, especially in celebrity diets. Harley Pasternak, a celebrity trainer who trains Rihanna, Lady Gaga, took […]
Why IBS Patients Need to Eat Sourdough Bread
Published July 2nd, 2020 The term “irritable bowel” is said to have been coined sometime in the 1950s. They used the term to categorize people who developed diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain. Since then, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has been the source of discomfort for millions of people. In America, […]
Does Cooking Sauerkraut Kill The Probiotics?
Published June 18th, 2020 So, you want to cook with probiotic-rich food? And you’re wondering whether cooking them kills the nutrients in them? Well, we’re here to answer some of those questions. First off, what are probiotics? Probiotics are live “good” and “helpful” bacteria. Their benefits on your digestive and […]
What Is The Best Probiotic to Take for C Diff?
Published on April 3, 2020 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the C. difficile bacteria infects around 500,000 people each year. While the number of deaths is estimated at 14,000 annually. This makes Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) one of the leading causes of death in the […]
Probiotics vs. Nasal Spray for Sinus Infection
Published February 24th, 2020 Sinusitis is one of the most common health problems in the US. Experts estimate that it affects about 31 million people around the country. It’s also responsible for the $150 million that Americans have spent in prescription medications. A go-to treatment for people suffering from a […]
Glue Ear In Adults: Treatments And Other Remedies
Published February 19th, 2020 Have you ever noticed that when you have a cold, your hearing seems to be affected too? That condition is known as “glue ear,” and if left untreated, it can disrupt your work and social life. Glue ear is one of the most common medical conditions […]
5 Reasons Why You Should Add Kefir And Flaxseed To Your Diet
Published February 10th, 2020 Kefir is a cultured, fermented milk that is high in nutrients and probiotics, making it very beneficial for digestion and gut health. It is like a thin yogurt but has a thinner consistency. Made from kefir grains, the end product of the fermentation process is what […]
Is Cranberry Juice Beneficial and Safe For Pregnant Women?
Published February 10th, 2020 As a pregnant mother, eating healthy and natural foods is one of the best things to do if you want to achieve a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery. The last thing that you would want is to compromise the health of your baby and yourself. However, […]
Apple Cider Vinegar: Is It Safe To Drink While Pregnant?
Published January 17th, 2020 For years, apple cider vinegar has been consumed for its presumed healing properties. Study shows that ACV has multiple antimicrobial properties. Thus, many people believe that it can lessen your chances of acquiring diseases because ACV can kill many types of bacteria. Moreover, there are claims […]
Sinus Infection: How to Tell If It’s Viral or Bacterial
Published January 17th, 2020 Most of the time, bacterial and viral sinus infections have similar symptoms. A viral infection is more common and usually goes away on its own. Bacterial ones, on the other hand, can be treated with antibiotics. However, misuse of antibiotics can make your condition even worse. […]
How to Reduce Sinus Pain the Natural Way
Published December 23rd, 2019 Have you ever had those painful headaches that come with an uncomfortable pressure between your eyes and cheeks – sometimes even in your forehead – where you thought that your head is going to explode at any second? That, my friend, is what you call a […]
Is Kombucha Halal?
Published November 18th, 2019 In general, kombucha is considered Halal. But as with other kinds of beverages that contain traces of alcohol, always read out the label. In Islamic dietary laws, there are two classifications of food: halal and haram. Halal means it’s allowed for consumption. While the word “haram” […]
Can Kombucha Make You Sick?
Published November 11th, 2019 If you are fond of fermented foods, then you might have heard all the buzzes about kombucha. Kombucha has a golden reputation, as many claim that it has several health benefits. People even call it the “immortal health elixir,” for they believe that it can cure […]
Can’t Get Rid of Halitosis? Here are the Probiotics for You
Published November 11th, 2019 Halitosis may sound like a fancy word, but it’s really just another term for bad breath. Most people think that proper dental hygiene is the key to avoiding this. But halitosis is something that your regular mouthwash or even adequate teeth brushing can’t solve. Halitosis occurs […]
The Benefits of Taking Probiotics in Lozenge Form
Published October 14th, 2019 Also known as the “good bacteria,” probiotics are living microorganisms best known for improving your gut health. These friendly bacteria help our body to fight off diseases by suppressing the growth of harmful bacteria. They’re widely used in treating diarrhea, intestinal spasms, bloating, and other issues on […]
Probiotic Strains That Can Help Improve Oral Health
Published October 7th, 2019 Probiotics have lots of health benefits. It is often used in keeping the digestive system healthy. But unknown to many, probiotics can also help in improving your oral health. There are now several studies that show how probiotics can treat mouth problems like canker sore. But can […]
Do Fermented Foods Cause Cancer?
Published September 30th, 2019 One of the oldest methods you can preserve your food is through fermentation. Our ancestors had been using this technique back in the day when refrigerators were not even a thing yet. But fermentation remains popular up to this day because of the health benefits that it […]
Health Benefits of Sauerkraut
Published September 2nd, 2019 Sauerkraut is made from fermented chopped cabbage wherein you can add spices if you like. It is also known as “sour cabbage” and is one of the most common and oldest forms of preserving cabbage. Fermentation is an ancient method of preserving food. What’s so special […]
The Best Yogurts for a Keto Diet
Published August 29, 2019 (Last Modified March 23, 2020) One of the many new trends these days in keeping your body in shape and healthy is the keto diet. Even the celebs are doing it! If you haven’t heard yet all the buzz about this popular trend, keep reading to […]
Health Benefits of Cooked Green Bananas
Published June 11th, 2019 Cooked green bananas are a staple in several banana-exporting countries. Apart from banana bread, there are a lot of ways to incorporate green banana in your dishes. In the Caribbean, they put it in several fish recipes. You can also boil, fry, saute or use it […]
Can You Treat Acne With Probiotics?
Published May 21st, 2019 (Last Modified December 20th, 2019) It can certainly ruin your morning if you wake up and notice that you’ve got zits on your face. The worse thing is, instead of going away, it seems to keep on multiplying to the point that it covers your entire […]
Can Probiotics Improve Your Immune System?
Published May 14th, 2019 Also known as the “good bacteria”, the health benefits of probiotics are wide and varied. One of them is boosting your immune system. But how does it do that? More importantly, what do you have to do to maximize its immune-boosting properties? Read on to find […]
Smoothies That Lower Cholesterol
Published May 7th, 2019 When cholesterol level rises, we mostly turn to modern medicine for answers. Doctors would prescribe statins and other cholesterol-inhibiting drugs. Then the symptoms subdue and all things go back to normal. Until it rises again and back to the drugstore you go. This is the vicious […]
9 Health Benefits You Can Get From Hummus
Published April 16th, 2019 Hummus, once a staple part of the middle eastern diet, is now making waves around the world. And there’s no reason not to. It’s not just delicately tasty but also one of the healthiest foods around. Even if you don’t have Gordon Ramsay’s talent, whipping up […]